Our vision for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities is the same as for all children and young people – that they achieve well and lead happy and fulfilled lives. We aim to meet the need of all pupils within our federation of schools.
Occasionally some children experience greater difficulty than others with their learning, they require additional provision, special educational provision that is different to and additional from that of their peers. In line with the 0-25 Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice, children who require special provision are offered SEN support.
Pupils receiving SEN support are fully integrated into the life of the school and they are taught alongside their peers. Staff adapt the curriculum and resources to ensure that barriers to learning are reduced and learning experiences are well matched to the development of individuals.
We are strong advocates of a person centred approach to improving the outcomes for children with SEND. We use this approach to identify individual needs, track progress and hold regular review periods. The role of parents in our person centred approach holds great importance. Children will be successful and achieve well when home and school work closely together.
Key contact for SEND
Miss Reitze works across our federation for SEND, she is our Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Coordinator and Leader.
Contact Miss Heidi Reitze with any SEND related enquiries (click name)