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The Ivory Federation home page

The Ivory Federation


We have policies that we place into 3 categories; safeguarding, learning and teaching and any other. Safeguarding policies cover all aspects where there is a risk to a child, if the policy were not in place, a child may come to some harm. Learning and teaching policies are subject specific and cover areas of the curriculum, these cover our educational offer. We also have policies that do not fall not into these categories such as packed lunch or data protection, they are classed as 'other' policies. 


We do not put all of our policies onto this website, the policies held on here are those that we feel are 'key' to parents and those that can be viewed in the public domain.  We do hold a range of other policies that are available on request such as; staffing checks, emergency lockdown, critical incident  etc. Please contact school if you cannot find a policy for an area of interest to you.